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Joy & contentment in living a gospel centered life

November 10, 2019

Joy & contentment in living a gospel centered life

Philippians 1
Speaker: Br. Jason Coke
Context of Philippians (Philippians 1:1-2)
A) Written by Paul (also called by his Jewish name “Saul”)
B) Written to the church in Philippi (Acts 18)
Theme of Philippians : Theme of Philippians
Paul’s Prayer of Joy (Philippians 1:3-11)
1. Paul found joy focusing on the Gospel
A. While writing the letter from jail, Paul told them that God is again using this trial for the spread of the Gospel (Phil 1:12-14)
B. Paul shared his secret to joy (Phil 1:15-24)
2. Paul’s encouragement to them (the church)
A. We must all live our lives worthy of the Gospel (Phil 1:27-30)
1. If you want to find true joy :- you must be obedient to the Gospel (the commands of the Scripture) share the gospel. be unified with other believers in spreading the gospel. don’t be afraid or ashamed of the gospel. be willing to suffer for the gospel
B. When you obediently follow Christ, every moment is a divine opportunity from God to make his name known. Living a life worthy of the gospel is what gives us joy.