Light of Christ

Loving God, Loving

Others and Serving the World

light of christ, yangon

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves God and people

LIGHT OF CHRIST, is an independent fellowship of Bible believers comprising of internationals as well as local Myanmars.    Amidst the growing economy of Myanmar, this church was born on 8 June 2014.  Our aim is to offer a quality worship setting for English speaking believers to enable them to express corporately their worship of the Almighty God.  Capable and qualified speakers take the pulpit to feed the flock from the word of God.
Worshippers who come are all encouraged to serve God through our church in one way or another.  We don’t encourage performers.  They are also encouraged to attend the mid-week Cell Group Meetings.
Offerings and tithes collected will be used to offset the operation of this church as well as to support Bible schools, church planting ministries in Myanmar and needy believers.
We also provide a Children Church to cultivate in their early lives a deep love for Jesus and His word.  Worshippers volunteer to help out in this crucial educational department. 

Pastor Henry Ngura

Served in LoC since the church was founded in 2014. Ministries include preaching, young people, weekly cell-group, prayer meeting and evangelism. Also lead the praise and worship team.
Bachelor of Theology (Free Gospel Outreach Bible College, Yangon);
Master of Divinity (International Graduate School of Leadership, Philippines)

The Miracle of Salvation

Our Church Planters

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:13-15)
 North Okkalapa Township, YangonShwe Pyi Thar, Yangon
Thae ThaeZar Zar
Thae Thae has been leading Kyan Khin Su Church since 2021. Her ministry is based in Kyan Khin Su, North Okkalapa Township, Yangon. She and her team visit homes in the community to share the Gospel and frequently reach out to workers at a nearby seafood company. In addition, Thae Thae offers free tuition to children in need from the neighborhood. Her ministry also includes weekly Bible studies, prayer meetings, and home visitations.Zar Zar has been leading the Sanchaung Lay Church since 2019. Her ministry is based in the Hlawgar area of Shwe Pyi Thar, Yangon. She and her team are actively engaged in evangelizing their community, in addition to organizing weekly outreach programs, Bible studies, and fasting and prayer meetings. Zar Zar also offers free tuition to children in the neighborhood.
Tachileik, SHAN STATE Tachileik, SHAN STATE Tachileik, SHAN STATE
Mary Sungte Kyaw Kyaw & Ma Nun PK & Olivia & Haniel & Blessing
  Planted Faith Baptist Church since 2017. Other ministries include running a kindergarten, teaching part time in a Bible college in Kyiang Tong and periodic evangelism ministries around Tachileik region.   Planted Mercy Home Church since 2016. Also operating a Pre-school and ministering to the children’s parents.  Other ministries are evangelism to the neighbourhood and hospital patients.   Planted Rhema Mission Churchsince 2018 and operating a Mission Boarding Home for more than 30 children since 2016.  Also, started the church in Kyaing Lat at the Laos border since July 2019.  They both are teaching part-time in a local Bible college.
Peka, Tin Tin Hla & Nehemiah Jonah Ngun Or
  Planted the Sagaing Evangelical Church and Sunday School in March 2019.  The couple are actively running free tuition to the neighbourhood children.  From time to time, they go witnessing among the villages.  Planted Thanlarwaddy Christian Family Church since 2018. Also, started mission centres at four other places hoping that they can mushroomed into churches in the future.

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